Showing posts with label Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fire. Show all posts

Swimming in the Lava Zone #LavaSwimming #Hawaii

From SFGate
"According to USGS experts, this is even more dangerous than it looks. 
But Hawaii native Kawika Singson looks right at home swimming next to the lava zone on Hawaii's Big Island. 
The video Singson posted on YouTube shows steam coming off the rocks as the water comes into contact with the hot lava.
Conditions weren't exactly calm that day. As each wave hits, Singson was thrashed around, often getting far too close for comfort to the lava zone.
Experts advise you should never get too close to a lava zone because the steam it emits when it mixes with water can be harmful to your health."

House on Fire Floating Down Flooded Creek in West Virginia

Shot by Amanda Carper. Flooding on Big Draft Road in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.

Casa Linda Apartments interview - It's Poppin! Ah man, the building is on fire! Michelle Dobyne

Published on Jan 10, 2016
Michelle Dobyne Hilarious News Interview from News on 6. Casa Linda Apartments interview - News on 6 - It's Poppin! Ah man, the building is on fire! She said hey, somethings wrong it's poppin' and I was like whaat?? Yeah, and I was like nah! She said Ahh Maan! Lawd it's a fire Part 2! Tulsa, Ok

"A stairway to heaven" created with Fireworks

Published on Jul 6, 2015
"A stairway to heaven" but we'd be careful as it is made of fireworks and is held up by a balloon.
This footage is of artist Cai Guoqiang's recent (successful) display in China.
Cai, an artist who often works with gunpowder, is said to have come up with the idea for this spectacle some twenty years ago.
Cai had already attempted to complete this task on several occasions but never fully succeeded until recently.
The occasion, Cai said, is for his grandmother who 'was born in a small fishing village in Quanzhou and sold fish to help her grandson realise his artistic dream,' the artist revealed.

Escaping Anderson Springs during Valley Fire

Published on Sep 13, 2015
Driving out of Anderson Springs 9/12/15 at 8:30 pm

We were the last house at the very back of the Springs, down in a gulch, so we had no views of the surrounding mountains. There was no smoke or ash coming our way, and there were no sirens or air support nearby, so we honestly didn't know how close it was. Once we drove up out of our gulch, we realized how close it was. There were no sirens or air support because there was zero firefighting effort in Anderson Springs. (This is NOT a dig at the firefighters, by the way! There was just way too much fire in every direction, and they didn't have the resources to send to Anderson Springs. I have no hard feelings against the firefighters, they were busy risking their lives elsewhere! Anderson Springs) So anyway, that is how we ended up leaving WAY too late. In retrospect, we should have gone out for a drive to find out what was going on, but we were a little preoccupied with packing.

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Chicago Roman Candle Streetwar

Published on Jun 2, 2015
Jukin Media Verified (Original)
* For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Let the tension build because it gets GOOD about 50 seconds in.

Leafblower Volcano

Published on May 3, 2015
Mom wasn't very happy about it.
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The Torch Tower On Fire . Dubai Marina . Dubai #1

Published on Feb 20, 2015
[ENG] The Torch Tower is burning up in Dubai Marina!
[PTB] O Torch Tower - meu prédio vizinho - está pegando fogo!

Shooting Fireworks Under a Frozen Lake

Published on Jan 15, 2015
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Rare up close footage of Lava entering the ocean.

Published on Feb 9, 2013
Rare footage of lava entering the ocean from a very unique,dangerous and up close angle, watch the creation of new land right before your very eyes on the rugged volcanic coastline on the island of Hawaii. #Lava # volcano #Hawaii #kveeks #kawika #amazing #crazy #magma #incredible #viral #oneofakind #GoPro. To use this video in a commercial player or broadcast please email

Fireworks Factory Explodes. Cameraman knocked over by blast.

Published on Jan 5, 2015
A least two people have reportedly been injured when a fireworks factory exploded in Colombia.

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Cornstarch Flamethrower

Published on Dec 26, 2014
A flamethrower that burns dry ingredients found in almost any kitchen in the USA. Toasty!

All music used is from - a source for public domain recordings.

Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op.125 4th movement:
Recording license: Public Domain

Night on Bald Mountain:
Recording license: Public Domain

Fruhlingsstimmen Op.410
Recording license: Public Domain

2012 Highlights from a Fire Fighter's Helmet

Published on Dec 31, 2012
This video is to show people what it is like to fight fires, and what firefighters across the nation do every day. The more people who realize, the better it will be for our profession.
I put together a bunch of clips from some of the better helmet cam footage I got this year while fighting fires in Highland Park. I had to replace several lens's and a couple mounts throughout the year, so the camera was not always on my helmet. I used a contour ROAM. other then the lens being easily scratch I would have to say it held up great for what it went through.
All the clips are from my own camera, and they are all real fires. No training fires.
The music is not minem it is obviously Eminems- till I collapse. I was just trying to make it a bit more interesting then just a bunch of clips. I understand some people might not appreciate the music, but hey its my video.
We love doing our job in Highland Park. And we do it often. Our aggressive attack might seem odd to some since most of these are "vacant" homes. But we are here to put fires out and the best way to do that is from the inside. Stay safe brothers...stay low

Cool way to put out a boat fire - FIRE FIGHTING WIN!

Published on Dec 27, 2012
*Warning Bad Kiwi Language*

Filmed at Lake Lyndon in New Zealand.

The skipper of the boat tried to start it after it died in the middle of the lake. It caught fire, so he jumped ship and watched it burn slowly. The wind drifted the burning boat to shore. No one could really do anything about it as it had two big tanks of gas on board until a jet boat SAVED THE DAY!

Bomb Explodes Right Near Anderson Cooper During Live Report From Gaza

Published on Nov 18, 2012 by 
Anderson Cooper was reporting live from Gaza on Sunday night, when he had a close call with the conflict that's escalating in the region. In the midst of his report, a large explosion went off nearby.

Cooper instinctively ducked, remarking, "That was a rather large explosion" a few seconds later. "That was probably the largest explosion that we've heard just in the past, really in the past hour," he added. "There have been a number explosions in the last hour or two."

Without skipping a beat, Cooper continued to offer information on the situation.

Watch below, via CNN:

Sandy Con Ed Explosion

Published on Oct 29, 2012 by 
The initial explosion at the Con Ed Plant, E14th and FDR in New York City.
Released under Creative Commons License. Please credit: TrillianMedia.

Tunnel Explosion in central China's Hunan province, China

Published on Oct 8, 2012 by 
10.8.2012,Hunan Chang-Ji highway. Tunnel in central China's Hunan province, China

Fireball Caught on Video

Published on Oct 5, 2012 by 
Watching a thunderstorm and catching a fireball on video!