Showing posts with label Old People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old People. Show all posts

82-Year-Old Singer Shocks with Hard Rock Song "Bodies Hit The Floor" #AGT #DrowningPool

A retired aerospace engineer totally shocks the audience with a cover of Drowning Pool's "Bodies." Check it out!

Betty White's 93rd Birthday Flash Mob

Published on Jan 17, 2015
Everyday on set, Betty is greeted by her assistant with a hula - today's hula dance was a very special surprise in honor of her 93rd birthday! Watch Betty on Hot in Cleveland Wednesdays 10/9C on TV Land!

Surprised My Dad With a New Puppy

Published on Jan 1, 2013
HIs reaction is priceless

We had a Maltese for about 15 years and he was beginning to get up there in age and had to one dreadful day, put him down. My father was heart broken. We all knew that we wanted a new puppy but would have to wait awhile for my father to heal. We were all heart broken. Then one day my father had come home and showed me pictures of a dog he had seen in the city, while on his lunch break at work. It was a havanese.

So after about 6 months and Christmas only being a few weeks away, my mother and I decided to go looking for a new puppy. We had told my father that we were going food shopping and went off to where we had picked out our previous little puppy 15 years earlier.

Me being the animal lover that I am, I saw this little white puppy sleeping in the corner being ignored by all the other dogs. Ths is just how I found my previous puppy. I grabbed him, his tail wagged and he reminded me so much of my maltese and I knew he was the one.

So we brought him home and as my mother went off inside and asked my father to help me with the groceries (which is why he's ticked off that I am still on the car on my phone and whips up his arms), he came out and was expecting food for the week, but instead found a new best friend.

Don't forget to check out other projects I have been involved in, including The Gorillaz music video for the new song Amarillo:


Dad's Reaction To Getting A Ticket To The Game

Published on Dec 23, 2012
Was blessed to be able to give my dad a ticket to the championship game

Grandpa's Reaction to Apple Green Sour Candy

Published on Nov 9, 2012 by 
No build up to the video, we jumped straight into it. The candy was in the pops mouth for half a second.

Large Deer Chases Man Up A Tree

Published on Oct 5, 2012 by 
A stag chases a man up a tree in Bushy Park, west London, filmed by bystander Lisa Acremom.

DNC Chair Gets Blitzed By Wolf On False Medicare Attacks

Published on Aug 13, 2012 by 
On "Situation Room" DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has no answers to Wolf Blitzer's questions on Medicare attacks (August 13, 2012).